Tuesday, December 8, 2009

TURKEY LEG BLUES - December 8, 2009

Weekly Newsletter
December 4, 2009

Turkey Leg Blues

Greetings to all the wonderful fans that keep Rosalie Serving alive
and well. I thank you!

Well, the big feast is over with all the planning, baking, table
settings, and family coming and going. It's enough to give one the
Especially when you look in the refrigerator and see two lonely turkey legs.

It's like one turkey said to another, "I just don't have the stuffing
to do that again."

Sometimes, we loose our "stuffing," and we think, "with just 3 weeks
until Christmas, can I push again for another big finale?"

Well, I say, make your Christmas list as big and as elaborate as you
want. Then sit right down and cut out three-fourths of it.

In all honesty, do we really need the carpets cleaned? You and I know
that little Johnny will catch the demon virus and leave upchuck
deposits all over it the next day.

And what about buying a gift for every relative at home and abroad?
How many ties and lotions can one receive in their lifetime? How
about a personal thank-you note included in your Christmas Card and a
delicious little loaf of Poppy Seed Bread with Orange Glaze, baked
right out of my Rosalie Serving Country Cookbook?

The cost will be cut in half, and the thought of something homemade
will warm their heart.

Need some cookies for Christmas? Have a Cookie exchange party; invite
10 Ladies over, have them each make a different type cookie, and
bingo!...you have your cookies.

Worried about the in-laws coming for the perfect Christmas dinner? No Sweat!
Just praise you mother-in-law for her prize apple pie, and she will
bring three of them. As for the rest of the dinner? Call each one
coming and have them each bring their speciality. Works every time.

And, now to really ditch those Turkey Leg Blues, make up a delicious
Italian pasta dish to calm even the most stressful of situations. I
have included one of my favorites: Pasta with the Cauliflower &

Remember, life happens but count your blessings, things could always
be worse....you may have fed your dog those turkey legs, and now he's
in surgery to remove throat bones...ha ha.

Love you all and Merry Christmas!

Dear Friends,

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