Wednesday, September 23, 2009



Greetings to all the cookbook junkies and others all over the world. While many women "like" cookbooks, there are some of us that "love" cookbooks, and actually read them like novels. Since we love to cook and serve our family and friends the best meal we can possibly prepare, it is us who buy the cookbooks that features the luscious cake or pot roast on the front cover. Thus, we run home and try it out.

But next to cookbooks, women love to read about how to lose weight, How many books have you bought because it listed the perfect diet plan on the cover? I'm positive, being a woman myself, that this is the ever luring topic that continues to get our interest. Who doesn't want to shed a few pounds?

They say the converted make the best preachers, and since I have been able to loose and maintain a 25-pound weight loss, I like to pass on the things that helped me. So, I have come up with the perfect *50 Ways to Loose Your Blubber* plan. Fashioned after Paul Simon's "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover" song, I thought it might give you a few chuckles, while conveying some powerful tips for weight loss. Just sing along:

1. Make a plan, Anne. Try the old-fashioned calorie count; it works. I use 1500 calories/day.
2. Write it down, Lon. Keeping a food diary daily of everything you eat. It will keep you on course.
3. Read labels, Mable. You must know what's going in your mouth…calories, sugar, fats, fiber, etc.
4. No Trans fats, Pat. Bad, bad, bad. Choose products that say "No trans fats." Clogs arteries.
5. Avoid High Fructose corn syrup, Cherub. Clogs the liver and can cause Cirrhosis of the Liver.
6. Dump the Diet Sodas, Lois. Too many chemicals; switch to green tea--much, much better.
7. Get on your bike and ride, Clyde. You've got to move it, move it! Diet without exercise= Nada.
8. Walk yourself skinny, Minnie. Walking 45 minutes per day will burn an extra 300 calories.
9. Join curves, Merv. This is a good exercise program that lets you ease into bigger things.
10. Less red meat, Pete. Eat chicken, turkey, and lots of fish. Save the hamburger; special times.
11. Eat breakfast, Candice. Starts the furnace burning, and kicks up the metabolism.
12. Eat all day, Jay. Every 2 hours: apples, almonds, yogurt, oranges….keep the fire hot.
13. Change your Lifestyle, Kyle. You will gain a "diet" back. Lifestyle changes your life.
14. Drizzle vinegar on you salad, Sally. Good for your heart, and helps burn calories.
15. Weigh every day, Kay. Watch that weight…if it starts to go back up, you go down-Nip it!

So, my friend, there you have it. I'll just leave the other 35 ways for you to decide how to "Loose your Blubber." Everyone is different, and only you know what will work for your body. The important thing is for you to get started. Just read those labels and try to keep it low fat and low calorie. Get a support group to help you, or even family members. Once you get to your goal, you will be able to maintain and have a Sweet Yeast Roll once in a while, from *Rosalie Serving Country Cookbook.*

I will be sure to let you know when *Rosalie Serving Country* will be here; possibly one more week. In the meantime, be sure to mark your calendar for October 2, 3, and 4. The event is the *Taste of St. Louis,* held downtown St. Louis, Missouri, at the Soldier's Memorial, 227 Jefferson Street. Come by my tent. You will know it is mine because my husband will have decorated it with lights and an Italian flag. I will be having cooking class right on the spot, and handing out Pineapple Upside Down Cake.

God Bless, Rosalie


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