Sunday, August 9, 2009


Country Greetings and Good Day!

Hello everyone! Since the hottest topic these days is Health Care Reform, I thought I just might expound on the subject myself. I say preventive medicine is the best way to go, and what better medicine could there be than food. That's right, good old healthy food!  As the saying goes…"we are what we eat." So, I figure, if everyone just eats healthy we could all prevent a lot of diseases that might otherwise come our way.

Take pasta for instance. My uncle Joe Campise ate pasta at least twice a day, and I can't ever remember him being sick, except when the Good Lord called him home one day, and then even his pasta couldn't save him. He loved his pasta with fresh vegetables, beans, fish and sometimes, but not often, meatballs. As for the rest of my relatives, it seems they mostly eat the cuisine of the Mediterranean which proves to be very healthy. They eat olive oil, tomatoes, garlic, pasta, fresh fish, fresh vegetables, legumes, beans and pine nuts, which are some their favorites. Desserts are about half the sugar we use in deserts today, and many times for a sweet, they munch on fresh fruits, especially grapes.

Their exercise program was mostly their transportation--walking. I can remember as a young girl walking to school and back every day, and especially walking to the Northland Shopping Center, in Jennings, Missouri, with my mother, which was about 2 miles from our house. Since most families like mine, only had one car, it was understood that my dad who made the living had to get to work. Everyone else in the family walked to their destination, thus a natural and healthy way to keep weight down.

So, why not return to those healthy habits? I think we could all become healthier in a matter of months, and health costs could be reduced drastically. Rosalie's Health Care Reform is as follows:

1. Breakfast: The most important meal of the day! Oatmeal with cinnamon and a little brown sugar is a winner. Oatmeal reduces bad cholesterol, and cinnamon helps to prevent diabetes. Wheat toast will keep you "regular", and grapefruit will give you natural vitamin C, preventing colds and boosting the immune system. Bananas give heart-loving potassium.

2. Snacks:  Eat snacks all day long and keep the metabolism going. Did you know that there are 30 benefits of eating an apple a day? Apples are a great source of fiber and help to aid digestion and promote weight loss. Almonds and walnuts have oils rich in vitamin B. Eat yogurt often and fight bacteria and prevent yeast infections. Drink Green tea all day long; it will fight cancer properties, boosts metabolism and aid in weight loss. Drinking low-fat milk also aids in losing weight.

3. Lunch: Don't skip lunch! Turkey sandwiches, salads with tomatoes, spinach, nuts, tuna, salmon, grilled chicken…the list is endless, and the benefits of dark leafy greens have so many benefits; largely full of anticancer compounds. Once in a while, indulge in a few dark chocolate chips.

4. Supper:  Eat a good supper. Grilled chicken, baked turkey, perch, cod, and fried catfish are some of my favorites. Cook up some mustard greens, sauté spinach in garlic and olive oil, and for a starch, how about a ½ cup serving of *Pasta with Cauliflower,* straight out of my *Rosalie Serving Italian* Cookbook.

5. More snacks: Don't go to bed without a snack. How about another apple or celery with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter? It will long satisfy, and you will sleep tight.

6. Exercise: Walk, walk, walk….it works! Before you know it, you will have dropped 10, 20, or even 30 pounds. It is "Rosalie's Health Care" at its best.

See you at the next cooking class; just click on my site, for upcoming events. Have fun, and God Bless!



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