Sunday, July 22, 2007

Seek And Ye Shall Find

Hi and Buon giorno:
Did you know the Bible has some profound statements in it?  One that I have discovered lately, is the Seek and Ye Shall Find principal.  I really use this one when I'm driving all over St. Louis trying to find where I'm supposed to be at a book signing, that I'm already late for, or trying to find the place of business or store that would just love to consign my book (even though they don't know it yet).  It seemed last week, almost every day I was on this mission, trying to find my destination.  Every time I got lost for the nth time, I would just pull over, read the directions again, pray, read again, think about scrapping this one, turning around and going back the other way, or I don't know what.  Finally I got really spiritual and started claiming scripture.  Doesn't the Bible say just keep seeking?  Yes, that's it!  Surely, I'm going to find this place. No, I would not resolve to giving up. I would conquer these one way streets, avenues that are named for two but only have the old one listed and overpasses newly constructed that sent me the wrong way.  Yes, after much Seeking, I can say I finally did Find my destinations.  So what if it was 3 days later?  It's the end result that counts. 
All in fun, this cookbook has brought me to some awesome places.  Take the Cozy Corner Bookstore in Louisiana, Missouri, last July 14th.  I was there for a book signing, and to speak to would-be authors, (although, I had no idea I was the main speaker).  But, what a beautiful town!  Especially Georgia Street, with all of its stately Victorian mansions.  I just couldn't help getting lost looking at these beautiful homes.  Thankfully, I only had to call the bookstore twice for directions.  The book signing went great as they sampled my Italian fried ravioli, cauliflower, and eggplant.  Then they sampled my Italian Cream Cake and Cannolis.  After much eating, talking, and signing, the president of the book club announced the main speaker, which to my surprise, was me.  He introduced me and said, we have about an hour left, so just take your time.  To myself I said, Lord, "why do these things happen to me"?
Since this was not the first time I've been asked to speak on the spot, the one thing that I knew to do was to just be myself.  Tell my story, of which I did. All about how the book came about, how the good Lord directed my path, how I turned my 'passion into action', and so on.  After the 1 hour was up, and I felt that I told the would-be authors everything I could think of, they began to come to me, hug me with tears in their eyes, and tell me how I inspired them.  One little 12 year- old girl gave me a copy of all her poems, and wanted me to give her advice.  I told her to keep plugging, and put them in her school newspaper.  She said she did that, but no one really got excited, and that she keeps looking for her break.  So after much encouragement, I told her of a simple, but profound principal right out of the Bible..... Seek and Ye Shall Find!
Hey, guys, don't give up, even if you have to stop along the path of life and ask directions, you will find your opportunities.  You may even have some beautiful scenery along the way.

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