Monday, February 15, 2010

GROUNDHOG DAY - February 15, 2010


Greetings to all the wonderful fans of Rosalie Serving Italian and
Country Cookbooks. Without you, a big part of my life would be
missing, and since I need all my parts, I say thanks.
In case you haven't noticed, February is here with all its glory, and
with it, one exciting event after another. It is a fun month full of
surprises, twists, dreadful weather, and of course, romance. The
holidays are many, including Black History Month, Groundhog Day, Super
Bowl Sunday, Boy Scout Day, Valentine's Day, President's Day, Winter
Olympics, Mardi Gras, Leap Year, and even Family Day in Canada.
After looking at all of these holidays, one day reminded me of the
comedy movie "Groundhog Day." This was about a weather man, Phil
Connors (Bill Murray), who has to show up in Punxsutawney,
Pennsylvania and cover the story of Punxsutawney Phil, the groundhog.
Phil Connors grudgingly gives his report and attempts to return to
Pittsburgh when a blizzard (which he predicted would miss the area)
shuts down the main roads. Phil and his TV team are forced to stay in
town an extra day.
Phil wakes up to find that he is reliving February 2. At first he is
confused, but day after day, he realizes that every day will be
February 2. The day plays out exactly as it did before, with no one
else aware of the time loop, and only Phil aware of the past events.
Every day is the same... February 2. This man, who starts out
egocentric, rude, condescending, and selfish, must live every day over
and over until he gets it right.
While the movie is hilariously funny, with Phil Connors trying
everything from giving ridiculous and offensive reports on the
festival, abusing residents, and even trying to kill himself and the
groundhog, he always wakes up the next morning fully alive and facing
February 2.
He finally realizes that life is just not worth living every day being
the person he has become. He finally begins to befriend almost
everyone he meets during the day, using his experiences to save lives,
help townspeople and be kinder to his friend Rita (Andie MacDowell).
After mending his ways, he wakes up one morning and the time loop is
broken; it is now February 3 and his friend Rita is still with him and
they happily fall in love and decide to stay in Punxsutawney together.
Well, don't you wish we could live some days over? Maybe we would
reconsider the words we say, be kinder to our family members, and
avoid the pot holes of life instead of hitting every one. But since
those days are a teacher for better tomorrows, we are blessed if we
realize that "today is the first day of the rest of my life." As long
as we "wake up," we can make it better for ourselves and others. We
may have to humble ourselves and occasionally say "I'm sorry," or
"Will you forgive me?" Anyone can learn from mistakes, and be better
for it.
In 2006, the film, Groundhog Day was added to the United States
National Film Registry as being deemed "culturally, historically, or
aesthetically significant." It speaks to the beauty that can be found
in human frailty.
So, thank God for your blessings, love on your family, and cherish
friends... and by all means get out your Rosalie Serving cookbooks,
and cook up a pot of love. How about a hot bowl of comfort, like
Italian Beef Soup, with Meatballs, right out of Rosalie Serving
Italian on page 50 and 51? Phil the Groundhog saw his shadow last week
and with 6 more weeks of winter, I say...bring on the soup!

God Bless, Rosalie

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