Monday, January 19, 2009



Buon giorno and Good Day!

Well, my fellow Americans, could we be more surrounded by History than right now? With today being the Martin Luther King Holiday and tomorrow the 2009 Inauguration of the first African American President, Barrack Obama, it seems the "I Have a Dream" speech may have come full circle.

I don't know about you, but I love hearing all the wonderful American stories of success, dreams come true, how great our country is, and how Americans always come together to stand against every adversary. Some of us may not have got the candidate we had hoped for, but we all realize that America is still the greatest country on earth, and with God's sanction, I pray we can all live peaceably with one another while praying for those who have the rule over us.

All that said, I say what America needs is PASTA! Do we need Change? How about *Ziti with Spicy Pesto*? Or Hope? How about the ever popular, *Penne with Red Sauce and Meatballs*? Yes, this is Change we can believe in! What else could possibly chase away the economic blues, or silence the skeptics of doomsday? You got that right, a big plate of *Fettuccini Alfredo.*

So, I say, Celebrate America! Cook up some INAUGURATION PASTA! Even if you've been on the resolution diet, the way I look at it, one plate of pasta can't hurt, and it will definitely bring you more comfort then that grilled chicken salad you've had the last three nights.

Of course the perfect patriotic Pasta dish would have to be *Rosalie's Angel Hair Florentine.* Just picture the White angel hair with the plump Red cherry tomatoes over grilled chicken and spinach. For the Blue, I decided there was only one thing to do. Just use one drop of blue food coloring in a small bowl of Parmesan Cheese until it is a beautiful Flag-blue color and sprinkle it over the Pasta dish! How about that for INAUGURATION PASTA?

So, there you have it "my friends," as John McCain would say; just gather 'round the media of your choice tomorrow, and be comforted! Invite your family and friends over and eat PASTA! If you have my cookbook, *Rosalie Serving Italian, * the recipe, *Rosalie's Angel Hair Florentine* is on page 141. If not, look for it on the WEEKLY RECIPE on my website blog

Arrivederci, and Good Night, and may God Bless America!


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